13 September 1978

John Hays led a devotional on Psalm 100. “To God Be the Glory” was sung, and then a time of prayer followed.

Treasurer’s report was approved. It was reported that we are short $10 on the scholarship fund.

Spiritual Life committee recommended that we dismiss the evening service for the area rally on October 8. It was approved.

They also recommended that the Sunday evening service be changed from 7 p.m. to 6 p.m. This was tabled until next monthly meeting in order to pray about it.

They reported that Armen Gesswein might be able to come for some meetings.

Stewardship committee recommended withdrawing interest from the time certificate to pay for the scholarship fund. It was approved.

It was decided to fill the potholes with the hot mix and haul it ourselves as it will be under $100 per 6 tons. Roy Curz will work out the date, and, weather permitting, we’ll fill the holes.

Education committee reported that the junior and senior youth would be divided in lessons, and they will have activities together.

The Christmas program will be at 4 p.m. on December 17.

Outreach committee reported on Trang, Van, and Ngoc. The committee will bring a recommendation on this report next monthly meeting.

Abridged from notes provided by Denise White, Recording Clerk

9 August 1978

John Hays led a devotion on 1 Chron. 16:23–28. A time of prayer followed.

The audit report was approved.

The outreach committee suggested that the missionary conference be held on a three-day weekend, and it was approved.

Dave and Kathy Anderson were here for a Sunday this month.

It was reported that we are helping a family by giving two meals a week. We need to replenish the groceries for emergency home relief.

Missionary Sunday during the opening for Sunday School will be the last Sunday of every month.

Stewardship committee reported that we need to do something to keep the nursery cooler. Curtains were suggested.

One-fourth of the taxes on the parsonage will be due soon.

We’ll have an overhead projector as soon as payments are made.

The youth report that they are going on a retreat, September 8–10.

Connie Larson and Lois Friend were appointed to be in charge of setting up a potluck dinner on Wednesday night to share our experiences at Yearly Meeting.

Abridged from notes provided by Denise White, Recording Clerk

12 July 1978

After we sang “Heavenly Sunlight,” John Hays gave a devotional on Psalms 19:1–8 on the heavens tell us the glory of God. A time of prayer followed.

John Hays, Dennis Beebe, and Ray White were approved to audit the books.

Treasurer’s report was approved. Information was given that the parsonage expense was already paid for because of the advance security fee.

The stewardship committee recommended:

  1. that starting next year, July 1, 1978, faith promise be above and beyond the general fund budget for our yearly meeting pledge;
  2. that the following be added to our church rental policy—the fees shall be paid at the time when the reservation for the particular date is scheduled.

The above recommendations were approved.

Pastor’s report was given by Steve Perisho and was approved.

It was mentioned that the youth are planning a car wash for July 15 for Dan Cammack and that they might have a yard sale to earn money for a retreat they’re planning.

Meeting adjourned with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Denise White, Recording Clerk

14 June 1978

John Hays asked Milt Asher to lead the congregation in “Give of Your Best to the Master.” John led a devotional about responsibilities: to self (materially, physically, socially, spiritually), to family, to church family, to peers, to church, and to God. He reminded everyone that they need to live up to each of their own personal responsibilities.

A prayer time followed.

The budget for 1978–9 was presented and approved.

The Treasurer’s Report for May 1978 was approved.

The Great Commission Budget is behind in payments by $900 for the June payment since some payments have not been made and some low payments were made. The meeting referred the question to the Stewardship Committee to solve for 1978–9. The committee is to decide if the Faith Promise is part of the Great Commission Budget. (Are we behind in our payments, or have the Faith Promise payments taken care of the deficit?) It was recommended that an emphasis should be made to collect the deficit in June.

Spiritual Life Committee recommended that the first Sunday of each month Sunday School offering be given to the Beebes for transportation expenses to pick up children for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. Approval was given by the Education Committee. The Beebes are to turn in mileage reports to the Education Committee who will approve payments.

John Hays closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

10 May 1978

Lois Perisho led the congregation in “We’ve a story to tell to the nations.” John Hays led a devotional based on Luke 12:11–12 and Matthew 10:19–20. He explained that when we have trials in our lives, they are trials of the Lord and not trials of us. It is our responsibility to witness as the Lord leads in love, and if he doesn’t lead us to say something, it is better to be quiet. Actions and expressions can be used of the Lord. Prayer followed.

Earl Perisho gave a pastor’s report. It was approved.

John Hays read a portion of a letter that Sheryl Mannon had written to Janice Perisho, telling that she has been accepted as a missionary to indigenous people in British Columbia during the summer. She requested our prayer and financial support. It was suggested that an offering plate be placed at the door at the close of a Sunday service and an announcement be made in the bulletin for those who would like to support her.

John Hays read a letter from Ken Smitherman, principal of Greenleaf Academy, telling of the financial need and asking for members of the “250 Club.” The letter will be posted, and those interested are encouraged to participate.

A letter from Rosemere Friends Church mentioned that at the Pastors Conference and the Men’s Retreat, the emphasis was on renewal, revival, and a refreshing touch from the Holy Spirit. They encourage each meeting to continue prayer for this and especially prayer for our prayer partner church.

Vern Weedman requested that overdue library books be returned to the library.

Roy Curts reported that fire extinguishers have been placed in the church as required. The fire chief inspected and passed the church on May 3. As of April 30, we are $500 behind on the Great Commission budget. T.O.P.S. has been granted the use of the chapel room Monday evenings during June, July, and August at a fee of $10 per month.

Ernest Pearson presented the treasurer’s report. It was approved.

Linda Keener has been contacting helpers for Vacation Bible School. It will be held Monday through Thursday the last two weeks of June.

Steve Perisho reported that the youth group will now meet in the chapel for devotional times and downstairs for recreation. They have earned $50 from newspaper collections.

Dennis Beebe announced that there is free firewood for the church at the golf course where he works, available for the church if someone could go out and cut it.

Martha Epperson dismissed in prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Ruth Epperson, Recording Clerk pro tem

12 April 1978

John Hays led a devotional encouraging each person to talk to others we meet and tell them about the Lord. A prayer time followed.

The treasurer’s report, given by Ernest Pearson, was approved.

Clackamas Park Friends Church will hold the Area Rally on May 7 at 7 p.m. Pastor Howard E. Harmon also asked for the name of a representative to meet April 30 at 4 p.m. on the area nominating committee. Connie Larson accepted the position.

VBS leader Linda Keener is beginning work. Saturday morning at 8 a.m., a breakfast is being planned for anyone interested in helping at Vacation Bible School.

Roy Curts, Stewardship Committee chair gave “bouquets of thanks” to Clarence and Martha Combs for the rose bushes; Earl Perisho and Andy Mills for finding blacktop and spreading it; Clarence Combs for volunteering to put the crash bar on the back door as required by the fire marshal. Anyone wanting to help assist should contact Clarence.

The Stewardship Committee recommended that the Sunday School Superintendent ask everyone to return books to the racks carefully so books are not damaged by the bottom board. The committee asked the monthly meeting to decide whether a reader board could be added to report church attendance, financial status for the month, etc. No decision was made. The committee requested permission to draw funds from savings if needed to meet April bills. The monthly meeting authorized Ernest Pearson and Roy Curts to handle this together. Roy suggested a clean-up day, and the group set the date as April 22 at 10 a.m.

George Fox College sent approval for matching fund scholarships: Ray White $100, Dennis Beebe $300, and Logi Mills $300.

Youth group reported that they may pick up newspapers on Saturday.

Spiritual Life Committee recommends the following for active membership: Jenise Beebe and Dennis Beebe, Ray White and Denise White, Stephen Perisho, Lois Perisho. For affiliate membership: Logi Mills, Andy Mills. Approved.

Piano tuning is being done by Roy Clark. The monthly meeting approved giving him not less than $50.

The Chancelors have asked for a meal after the program on April 18. Jenise Beebe and Denise White will be in charge of planning a meal for them and asking others to bring food.

Charles Lamm closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

8 March 1978

Harold Larson opened the meeting in prayer. The group sang “I Know Whom I Have Believed.” John Hays led a devotional on our responsibility to be channels letting God’s love flow through us to others. A time of prayer followed.

The Spiritual Life Committee’s recommendations were read by John Hays.

Recommended that we have the “Chancellors” a singing group with a short evangelistic message for Tuesday evening service April 18. A freewill offering would be taken. The recommendation was approved. Harold Larson mentioned the need for tuning the pianos, and this was referred to the music committee.

The Spiritual Life Committee recommends that we use register cards for the entire congregation for the morning worship services. This was approved, authorizing the pastor and Spiritual Life Committee to choose format and color.

The group sang the hymn “Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus.”

The treasurer’s report was given by Ernest Pearson and approved by the group.

Roy Curts presented a recommendation from the stewardship committee that wedding fees be charged to all who have not been faithful attenders of the church for eight months prior to their wedding as follows:

$15 wedding fee

$10 custodian fee

$10 church hostess for the reception

The recommendation was approved.

Vernon Weedman announced New Call Peacemaking Rally in Newberg Sunday, encouraging everyone to meet at the church first and go together in the available cars.

Vernon Weedman also requested that anyone having overdue library books which they’ve finished reading, please return them to the library.

Steve Perisho announced that the youth group is planning breakfast Sunday at 8 a.m. followed by a prayer and discussion time.

Stan Muhr announced the projects that the youth group is planning and working on are puppet construction and script writing and cartoons of Bible stories.

Dorothy Neidigh reported for the education committee that $100 more has been pledged for scholarships and $65 is still lacking. There is a possible Vacation Bible School director.

It was recommended and approved that the Sunday School offering Easter morning be used for the Mexico missionary work.

Earl Perisho announced that Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday evening the group “Friendly Singers” from Piedmont church will be in our service.

Martha Epperson recommended seriously considering with prayer a building program. John Hays suggested that we make this a matter of prayer during the month in each of our organized meetings.

John Hays read a letter from George Fox College saying that they will act on our application to participate in church college fellowship awards shortly after March 15.

Connie Larson closed in prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Ruth Epperson, Recording Clerk pro tem

8 February 1978

The group sang “Love Lifted Me” and “Wonderful Peace.” Lois Perisho read 1 Chronicles 16:23–29. John Hays led a devotional on the thought that each person should daily declare that He is Lord. A time of prayer followed.

Lynwood Friends Church sent a communication that they disapproved joining FWCC.

Education Committee report given by Dorothy Neidigh said that anyone attending the George Fox College Christian Education Conference needs to pre-register to save on fees. GFC matching fund scholarships have been sent for Logi Mills ($300), Dennis Beebe ($300), and Ray White ($100). $535 has been pledged or paid. $165 is needed yet.

Roy Curts resigned as yearly meeting representative, so Pearl Pearson was appointed. The monthly meeting informed Pearl Pearson and Connie Larson that the monthly meeting is in favor of changing the time the representatives take office. But the meeting left a latitude for the two reps to do as they feel led.

Stewardship Committee Chair Roy Curts asked if the meeting would approve selling the four extra pews from the church. It’s possible that they could be sold for $2 a foot. Not approved. The yearly meeting suggests the annual offering for emergency aid of pastors be held February 5. The committee suggests that we have the offering the evening of March 5 instead. Diagonal parking has been suggested for beside the church. An automatic door closer would cost $45 to $55. The committee does not feel the budget can afford this unless there is a donation for it. The budget reported a $30 average debt each month for the last seven months. John Hays reminded us to pray for the budget. Martha Epperson asked for united prayer on Saturday for the budget.

Earl Perisho gave a pastor’s report. Approved.

Treasurer’s report given by Lois Friend was approved.

Outreach Committee Chair Vernon Weedman reported that the committee changed its meeting time to the Thursday before monthly meeting. They felt the last missionary conference was the best ever.

Friends youth groups are playing volleyball Saturday with others from the area.

Spiritual Life recommended that Ruth Epperson be accepted as an active member. Approved.

John Hays asked that the business meeting be kept organized and short.

The Friendship Banquet will be held at North’s Chuckwagon at 6:30 Friday night.

A week from Sunday night, the Billy Graham film, “Shiokari Pass,” will be shown. Earl asked that we publicize the film and personally invite as many as possible.

Roy Curts closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

11 January 1978

John Hays presided over the regular monthly meeting. The group sang several choruses. Lois Perisho read the last few verses of Hebrews. John led a devotional about fishing for men. A prayer time followed in which we thanked God for the 21 visitors in Sunday morning service. Special prayers were offered asking God that our group be open in helping meet any needs that these visitors might have.

Spiritual Life Committee recommends:

  1. that Friends World Committee for Consultation be brought up this year at Yearly Meeting with a positive response. John asked Earl Perisho and Martha Epperson to send a communication on this.
  2. that the church directory be turned over to Evangelical Friends Mission. Approved with the exception that those who do not want their name sent can request that it be withdrawn.
  3. that our meeting fill out the questionnaire for National Association of Evangelicals membership. Twenty-six members present.

Charles Lamm reported that the Friendship dinner will be held at the Dragon Fountain at 6 p.m. on February 10 for ninth graders through adults.

Treasurer’s report given by Lois Friend was approved.

Stewardship Committee report was given by Roy Curts. He asked what financial arrangements should be made for the Missionary Conference speakers. The meeting decided to take a special offering each evening to give the evening speakers. If the Stewardship Committee feels that the amount collected is too small, the committee can give more from the general fund.

Education Committee Chair Dorothy Neidigh asked if the church wanted to participate in matching fund scholarships to George Fox College. It was recommended that pledges be collected before February 1 so that this could be sent to GFC for Dennis Beebe, Logi Mills, and Ray White.

Earl Perisho reported that the task force is being formed for the Focus program.

Pastor’s report included many calls for the month of December since Earl was hospital chaplain.

Roy Curts reported on the Great Commission budget needs. He also mentioned his concern for picking someone willing to serve as representative to Yearly Meeting because he doesn’t feel he can do it this year.

Lois Friend reported that our church may be host for the Area Rally for October.

Harold Larson talked about conserving energy by keeping the front door shut. Roy expressed a concern about thermostat controls to provide heat.

Ruth Epperson closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

14 December 1977

Stan Muhr led the congregation in “What a Friend” with Connie Larson accompanying. John Hays led a devotional on stewardship. Prayer followed.

Lois Friend, assistant treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report. Approved. Earl Perisho gave the pastor’s report for October and November. Approved with thanks.

Roy Curts gave the Stewardship Committee report. He said that tile for draining won’t be necessary in the drive. The committee has reviewed the budget and expenditures. They found everything in order. They would like ideas on how to cut down on expenses. The pastor’s pulpit chair has had an addition for $40 labor charges. Faith Promise pledges were $4,096, and we have received $4,141.04 by November 30 plus $74 to this date in December!

Earl Perisho gave the Outreach Committee report. The committee has been working on the missionary conference. The meeting gave approval if the committee decides to collect for a Christmas basket.

Spiritual Life recommended that we have a prayer clock every Saturday with hours that best accommodate the group. It was approved that the committee organize this for our church or with another church. The committee recommended that the youth plan a watch night service for New Year’s Eve (approved), that a vesper service of candle lighting be held early New Year’s Day instead of the regular Sunday evening service (approved), and that morning service and Sunday School be dismissed (not approved) for New Year’s Day. Thus, there will be a morning service and Sunday School with an early evening or afternoon vesper service on New Year’s Day.

Roy Curts asked for permission for the treasurer to borrow from the building fund to meet current expenses. Approved.

The Spiritual Life Committee recommends we go ahead with the Focus program and start as soon as possible. This would be a commitment for two years. Earl Perisho explained what the Focus program would entail. A task force of five people or five couples would study ahead and be involved in meetings every other week for the length of the Focus program. The meeting approved. The task force will be appointed by the pastor and the Spiritual Life Committee.

Greenleaf Friends Academy has asked us to sponsor a page or a part of a page in their annual. It was approved to spend $12.50.

Vernon Weedman reported that the Missionary Conference will be held on January 15, 22, and 29.

Steve Perisho said the church band played in downtown Hillsboro as part of the Christmas music program. They played just before the business meeting began and will play again next week. They also had refreshments at Waughs’ home.

Earl Perisho brought a concern for prayer as Logi Mills makes decisions concerning her future in her studies for Christian service and for her son. She is applying for some financial help at the college. It was suggested that a Christmas basket be given to her.

Frances Carr dismissed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk

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