11 January 1978

John Hays presided over the regular monthly meeting. The group sang several choruses. Lois Perisho read the last few verses of Hebrews. John led a devotional about fishing for men. A prayer time followed in which we thanked God for the 21 visitors in Sunday morning service. Special prayers were offered asking God that our group be open in helping meet any needs that these visitors might have.

Spiritual Life Committee recommends:

  1. that Friends World Committee for Consultation be brought up this year at Yearly Meeting with a positive response. John asked Earl Perisho and Martha Epperson to send a communication on this.
  2. that the church directory be turned over to Evangelical Friends Mission. Approved with the exception that those who do not want their name sent can request that it be withdrawn.
  3. that our meeting fill out the questionnaire for National Association of Evangelicals membership. Twenty-six members present.

Charles Lamm reported that the Friendship dinner will be held at the Dragon Fountain at 6 p.m. on February 10 for ninth graders through adults.

Treasurer’s report given by Lois Friend was approved.

Stewardship Committee report was given by Roy Curts. He asked what financial arrangements should be made for the Missionary Conference speakers. The meeting decided to take a special offering each evening to give the evening speakers. If the Stewardship Committee feels that the amount collected is too small, the committee can give more from the general fund.

Education Committee Chair Dorothy Neidigh asked if the church wanted to participate in matching fund scholarships to George Fox College. It was recommended that pledges be collected before February 1 so that this could be sent to GFC for Dennis Beebe, Logi Mills, and Ray White.

Earl Perisho reported that the task force is being formed for the Focus program.

Pastor’s report included many calls for the month of December since Earl was hospital chaplain.

Roy Curts reported on the Great Commission budget needs. He also mentioned his concern for picking someone willing to serve as representative to Yearly Meeting because he doesn’t feel he can do it this year.

Lois Friend reported that our church may be host for the Area Rally for October.

Harold Larson talked about conserving energy by keeping the front door shut. Roy expressed a concern about thermostat controls to provide heat.

Ruth Epperson closed with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Nadine Asher, Recording Clerk