We desire to live out our Quaker heritage with love for Jesus and affirmation for all our fellow human beings.

Meeting for Worship*
In Quaker worship, there are no ministers or creeds. We first gather together in silence to quiet our minds – we don’t have set hymns, prayers, or sermons. In the stillness, we open our hearts and lives to new insights and guidance. Sometimes we are moved to share what we discover with those present. We call this “ministry.” We listen to what everyone has to say to find its meaning for us. Anyone can give ministry, including visitors.
In the quiet, we look for a sense of connection. This might be a connection with those around us, with our deepest selves, with God, or with Christ, our present teacher. As we feel this sense of encounter grow stronger, we may begin to see the world and our relationships in a new way. Our worship may take us beyond our own thoughts and ideas to help us respond more creatively to the world around us.
*The Quaker worship group meets at 5 p.m. on Thursdays in a classroom at Hillsboro First Congregational Church. There is a small parking lot on SE 5th Avenue and an entrance there (marked with a blue dot on the map).
Each meeting for worship lasts about an hour and is hosted by a member of Hillsboro Friends Church.
Please call (503) 648-1814 or email hillsborofriendschurch@gmail.com with any questions.