12 July 1978

After we sang “Heavenly Sunlight,” John Hays gave a devotional on Psalms 19:1–8 on the heavens tell us the glory of God. A time of prayer followed.

John Hays, Dennis Beebe, and Ray White were approved to audit the books.

Treasurer’s report was approved. Information was given that the parsonage expense was already paid for because of the advance security fee.

The stewardship committee recommended:

  1. that starting next year, July 1, 1978, faith promise be above and beyond the general fund budget for our yearly meeting pledge;
  2. that the following be added to our church rental policy—the fees shall be paid at the time when the reservation for the particular date is scheduled.

The above recommendations were approved.

Pastor’s report was given by Steve Perisho and was approved.

It was mentioned that the youth are planning a car wash for July 15 for Dan Cammack and that they might have a yard sale to earn money for a retreat they’re planning.

Meeting adjourned with prayer.

Abridged from notes provided by Denise White, Recording Clerk