Service for Service

Every Sunday, in lieu of a traditional church service, Hillsboro Friends opens its doors to anyone in need of a hot meal, a place to rest, and space for community. We call it Service for Service, and it takes place every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Many of our guests have been coming for years and know to write whatever name they would like to be called in our guestbook while waiting for one of our volunteers to serve them a continental breakfast.

Others are warmly greeted and invited to set their stuff down wherever they would like in our large meeting hall.

Everyone is asked if they need any hygiene products or clothes from our resource room.

Around 11 or 11:30, a simple meal cooked from scratch is served out of the kitchen. Each week features a hearty protein, bread, vegetables, and a dessert.

Through casual conversations we catch up on one another’s lives, learn who is about to get housed, who needs a backpack, and what meals guests look forward to. Service for Service creates space for Hillsboro’s houseless and precariously housed community to receive consistent care with dignity.

For more information or to volunteer, contact