8 September 1976

Clerk John Hays led in a devotional time during which Lois Perisho read the scripture from Psalm 116:1-9.

The treasurer’s report was presented by Ernest Pearson and approved as presented.

A letter was read from Jim Leonard expressing greetings and requesting the transfer of the membership of their family from Hillsboro to the Rosedale Friends Church. The monthly meeting approved the transfer.

John Hays presented a letter from William Penn House in Washington, D.C., requesting support for their work. Lacking sufficient information regarding this work, it was decided that Hillsboro Friends Church would not send official support at this time.

Ray Curts reported that the North Plains property payment in the amount of $1,275 was made by Mr. Woods, which pays the account up to September 10th. He also informed the meeting that the Woods plan to keep up their payments in the future. Roy reported that he felt there had been a good contact with the Woods family and thought they might well be interested in attending our church at a later date.

Dorothy Neidigh reported for the Education Committee. The scholarship contributions which had been held in behalf of Jim Hays will be transferred to Milton Asher since Jim is not in school this fall. The Education Committee has set a Sunday School attendance goal of eighty people for this year. The committee has decided to change to a fall Sunday School promotion rather than right after school is out. Stan and LaVern Muhr will be the Friends Youth leaders.

Abridged from notes provided by Earl Perisho, Acting Recording Clerk