14 April 1976

Clerk Brian Beals opened the meeting with a devotional on the kindness and peace of God from 2 Peter.

A letter to Jim Leonard accepting his resignation was read.

Chuck Orwiler accepted a position on the Nominating Committee to serve until the end of the current church year.

The March Treasurer’s report was presented by Ernest Pearson. There is some concern for ways in which to trim expenditures for such things as electricity. The Treasurer’s report was approved.

John Ogilvie reported that five members of the board attended the yearly meeting breakfast where the 1976-1977 yearly meeting budget was explained. Our challenge will be increased from $4,200 to $4,900.

Nadine Asher reported that the Bible school dates chosen (June 15-25) were also selected by the Christian Church across the street. No decision has been made as to new dates yet. Anyone wishing to help with the Bible school should contact Connie Larson. The April 4 Scripture memorization efforts netted a total of 26 stamps for the 8 participants. George Fox College has accepted the two names submitted by the church for matching funds scholarships. $100 will be awarded to Jim Hays and $230 to Chuck Orwiler.

Walt King has requested a membership transfer for himself and Myrt to Vancouver Friends. It was approved. Bill’s membership is to remain with our church.

John Ogilvie submitted his resignation from the Stewardship Board and also as one of the Trustees. It was accepted. Brian pointed to the necessity of filling John’s position as chairman on the Stewardship Board because work on next year’s church budget is yet to be accomplished. Almeda Hays was nominated along with Ernest Pearson. After discussion, Almeda accepted the nomination and was approved by the meeting. Roy Curts was nominated and accepted as the new trustee in place of John.

Lois Friend volunteered to serve on the Nominating Committee.

It was mentioned that the meeting should appoint someone to represent us on the Quarterly Meeting Nominating Committee. Bob Pursley was nominated for this position and accepted. Anyone interested in serving in any Quarterly Meeting capacity should let Bob know so that he can nominate them at the meeting.

Abridged from notes provided by Vicky Orwiler, Recording Clerk